Monday, August 3, 2009
Hitler wanted to conquer many lands to make Germany strong again. Thus he began by attacking countries such as Czechoslovakia first as they would face little resistance and also due to the fact that they had three million German- speaking citizens. However Germany wanted to avoid a conflict with countries such as France and Britain. Thus he met up and made an agreement with him, threatening to go to war with them if they intervened. After their successful attempt, Germany had control over Czechoslovakia by October 15th, 1938.
Thereafter, Germany proceeded to take over Poland on the first of September 1939, thus officially starting World War Two. Britain and France declared war on Germany then as they had signed a treaty with Poland prior to this to protect them if they needed help. However, Before their troops could descend heavily on Germany, Poland had already been conquered by Germany.
Germany soon began invading and taking over other lands such as the Netherlands, Norway and Denmark.
On the 22nd of June 1940, Germany signed an armistice with France and there was a ceasefire. This left Britain fighting alone as France had switched sides. German troops fought against the British but they were met by heavy resistance and could not defeat them. Hitler put off the idea of invading Britain as the Soviet Union was the only potential ally left in Europe for the British.
Hitler then tried to attack the Soviet Union but was unsuccessful in doing so. A German troop of 300,000 men were defeated. This was a major turning point in the war. Soon, the allies became more powerful with the help of the United States supplying the Soviet Union with weapons and supplies. This aided them in getting through the cold, harsh winter while still fighting the Germans.
By 1945, the Allies were slowly winning and Hitler became a broken man. He said that death would be a release for him from hs recent betrayals of his friends and supporters. Hitler married his wife, Eva Braun and on the next day(the 29th of April, 1945), Hitler and his wife killed themselves; Hitler shot himself on the temple and Eva drank poison.
Thus the Nazis began to lose power and the Allies gradually became more powerful and won the war. Hitker earlier on had blamed the Jews for causing the war, but in the end, it was probably by his own actions that caused World War Two as well as his own death. By trying to conquer countries and ridding himself of his enemies, he created a most powerful enemy: the Allies who rose up in power and worked together to overthrow Hitler and his troops. His fear and greed was perhaps what led to the death of the Fuhrer of Germany.
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Sunday, August 2, 2009
The culprit that led to World War II1:32 PM

Hitler. A name that everyone should be familiar with. He was believe to be the man that caused the outbreak of the world greatest war, the World War II. The casulties caused was uncountable, let alone the injuries number.It was said that hitler ended his own life by shoting himself on 30th April,1945. Was it an act of cowardness for him,that such a 'great' leader to commit suicide? Was it really what he wanted? No one knows.
Was it Japen that started the idea of conquering the world or was it Hitler the fuhrer who wanted this? Germany had made alliances with italy and later even coorperated with Japen. It was said that the spread of fascism had also triggered the happening of World War II. But without Hitler being decisive in invading other countries territories consistently, i believed that today, everyone could see a different version of history facts. It was hitler who wanted a war that could enable him to have a great massacre. No matter to the Jews in order for him to achieved his 'purified' socity, or to the opponents who tried to 'block' him from becoming a strong and mighty western dictator.
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Thursday, July 30, 2009
Hitler's actions that triggered the WWII6:13 PM

Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in January 1933. Almost immediately he began secretly building up Germany's army and weapons. In 1934 he increased the size of the army, began building warships and created a German airforce. Compulsory military service was also introduced.
Although Britain and France were aware of Hitler's actions, they were also concerned about the rise of Communism and believed that a stronger Germany might help to prevent the spread of Communism to the West.
In 1936 Hitler ordered German troops to enter the Rhineland. At this point the German army was not very strong and could have been easily defeated. Yet neither France nor Britain was prepared to start another war.
Hitler also made two important alliances during 1936. The first was called the Rome-Berlin Axis Pact and allied Hitler's Germany with Mussolini's Italy. The second was called the Anti-Comitern Pact and allied Germany with Japan.
Hitler's next step was to begin taking back the land that had been taken away from Germany. In March 1938, German troops marched into Austria. The Austrian leader was forced to hold a vote asking the people whether they wanted to be part of Germany.
The results of the vote were fixed and showed that 99% of Austrian people wanted Anschluss (union with Germany). The Austrian leader asked Britain, France and Italy for aid. Hitler promised that Anschluss was the end of his expansionist aims and not wanting to risk war, the other countries did nothing.
Hitler did not keep his word and six months later demanded that the Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia be handed over to Germany.
Neville Chamberlain, Prime Minister of Britain, met with Hitler three times during September 1938 to try to reach an agreement that would prevent war. The Munich Agreement stated that Hitler could have the Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia provided that he promised not to invade the rest of Czechoslovakia.
Hitler was not a man of his word and in March 1939 invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia. Despite calls for help from the Czechoslovak government, neither Britain nor France was prepared to take military action against Hitler. However, some action was now necessary and believing that Poland would be Hitler's next target, both Britain and France promised that they would take military action against Hitler if he invaded Poland. Chamberlain believed that, faced with the prospect of war against Britain and France, Hitler would stop his aggression. Chamberlain was wrong. German troops invaded Poland on 1st September 1939.

Labels: Hitler's actions
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Monday, July 27, 2009
7:47 PM

15 July, 1946
Hitler is a sick man. His henious crimes are too cruel to believe.
He has been arrested; we stopped him from shooting himself in the temple.
What a coward he was after all, choosing suicidal over taking the blame.
Yes, he is to blame for World War 2, as we all believe.
Even before the damned Holocaust, he had the Oberster Befehlshaber der Wehrmacht (OKW) established.
This kind of supreme headquarters are very rarely set up during peacetime;
Hitler had obviously been aiming for war all this time.It was known in May4,1941,at Berlin,Reichstag. Hitler expressed his thanks to Anglo-French conspiracy against peace, always with the understanding of poland who wanted war to contiunue too. They always wanted a new and bloody war, which believed is the world war two. They had finally found a state that was ready for their intersts and aims, that is poland. Hitler also said that when man turned more and more unhappy with their deficient statesmanship,the'resposible man'(Himself) thinked/believed that by organising a war was the only way out. Before he started the war, he claimed that even God knows that he had NO intention to start the war but he was FORCED as he had to protect the Reichstag.
Hitler praised that nothing is impossible for German soldier and said that the German soldier would always do what is necessary and the faith of Germans had in the German soldier would always accompany the slodiers. But he didn't realised that it was he who caused the German soldier to lose faith and it was also he who pushed all of them to the gate of death...Hitler ambitious of becoming the conqueror of the Europe was obvious when he said once that if freedom is short of weapons, we must compensate with willpower.
Hitler once said to Neville Henderson (British Ambassador) that he would choose to wait for 20 years for the return of former colonies rather than agreeing to the British terms of avoiding world war two. General Ludwig Beck once tried to persuade Hitler to prevent the world war as by starting the world war two would result Germany to be the defeated coutry but Hitler insisted of projecting the war and he responsed to Beck's prediction as "kindische Kräfteberechnugen" ("childish caculation.")Hitler planned to use the Sudetan issue as a excuse for world war two. He told the Germans that they would no longer endure the Britain. He warned Britian to mind their own business and worry for their own trouble. Hitler used propanganda on German intensively.He claimed that people inner voice for using force was heard gradually.Hitler was cosidered 'heartless' as he had once admit that if ony day he no longer need the help of his economic experts, he would killed them all off as they had always tried to 'block' him from achieving his goal(becoming the leader of Europe.) Hitler would not hold any mercy to anyone, even his closest surbodinates.Hitler wanted the world war two as it was a good chance to get rid of his 'eye-sore', the Jews. He sweared to get Jews out of his sight.
Hitler made a political statement on 29 april, 1945,4a.m. He wrote that he was awared that the outbreaking of world war two would left millions of european children of the ARYAN descent starving to death, millions of men sacrificed on the battle and hundreds of thousands of women and children would be bombed/burned to death in their cities, but he still conducted the world war two as he claimed that all these was done to prevent Germany falling into the Jews hand. Even before he died, he still encouraged the future generation to carry on fighting the enemies of fatherland and stay loyal to the ideals of great Clausewitz. Hitler still wished to controlled the minds of Germans of being bloody and ruthless. He seemed to imposed a view that only war could resolved all problems and winning the war significance that 'we' are the mightiest.Before his death, he tried to eliminate all his opposing like Hermann Goring and Heinrich Himmler and replaced them with Gauleiter Karl, HankeAdmiral Donitz and Gauleiter Paul Giesler. He was afraid that after his death, Goring and Himmler would no longer regard him as the Fuhrer because they had actually secretly negotiated with Hitler enemies without his consent. Thus, he appointed other candiditates which he believed that they would remained loyal to him and continue to 'worshipped' him as the Fuhrer.
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7:34 PM

31 December, 1938
The Jews are gone at last! Good riddance, I say.
They were executed on the Night of Long Knives, on the 7 November 1938.
They deserved it too, killing an official at the German Embassy in France.
We Nazis gladly took this as the perfect opportunity to organise Kristallnacht.
It went perfectly; we destroyed more than 7500 shops and 400 synagogues.
Ransacked their filthy homes and killed them, taking the pathetic survivors back to concentration camps.
There, I further exterminated them.
I gased them, used them as lab rats; they deserve all that they got.
Damn Jews; Germany is finally free of them!
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7:21 PM
September 19, 1934

I am now the Fuhrer of Germany; there is none greater than I am!
I set fire to that Reichstag building, but everyone blames that communist boy.
Hell, they know nothing. The boy has been executed,
and serves him right too. Damn communists.
I used this chance to convince the President (the fool) to give me Emergency Powers,
to supposedly deal with communist threats.
They are afraid of the communists. The fear eats them from within,
so much so that they are unable to see through my plans.
Not that they have ever been able to see through them, dense as they are.
I have gotten rid of Ernst Rohm and the other SA leaders,
as well as those other damned political fellows.
Ernst Rohm... he was an old friend, but he had gotten too strong.
If I hadn't executed him, he would've overtaken me. I certainly will not allow that to happen.
He was also the worry of industrialists and the Army Generals;
this gave me all the more reason to slay him there and then.
I call that grand night, the Night of Long Knives.
Took place on the 29 and 30 of June, it did.
Executed 200 people; it felt good, I felt strong again.
On the August elections, I proclaimed myself the President of Germany.
Now everyone is under my power, and no one can defeat me.
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7:10 PM

13 February, 1934
I have been very busy.
I was first appointed Chancellor on 30 January 1933.
Those fools thought that they could control me, but they were wrong. They were always wrong.
I wanted the restoration of Germany; we have suffered humiliation for far too long.
I will prove to the world that we are strong. We have always been strong,
just that we had that pathetic excuse of a government ruling us.
I also wanted racial purity; those damn Jews have been on our land for far too long.
We should only have Aryans in Germany! Other races will never be tolerated.
I will need to get rid of them, one way or another...
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8 August, 1928
After the failure and my time in prison, i have spent a lot of time pondering on how to create a better Germany, one that is free from from the cruel Allied powers. There will be no need to suffer under the Treaty of Versailles and we will claim back the lands which are rightfully ours. Also, our country cannot be tainted with un-pure blood. Only Germans should be citizens and Jews should be evicted; driven out of their homes!
My plans for a greater Germany are thus:
I shall propose elections to take place within the government. This way, i can influence the weaker parties to join me; the Nazis will soon rise to power.
I will set up branches of our party all over Germany, to strengthen our power in Germany.
In addition, i will create youth movements throughout Germany to gain the support of the young. The youths are very important in the development of Germany. Therefore we must eliminate all anti- Nazi parties and persuade the young to join us. This would indeed make us stronger.
I also propose public meetings to be held in order to attract new members to our party.
Using all these methods, the Nazis will have gained more support and this will be my ticket to rise to power and overcome the Weimar government!
We must all strive towards a Greater Germany and unite all Germans!
- Hitler
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Sunday, July 26, 2009
3:31 PM

23 July, 1928
I was arrested for trying to overthrow the government!
But the judges were sympathetic towards me, and only sentenced me to 5 years of confinement.
Those fools, they fell for every word I said, every word dripping with ‘honey’.
However, something good has come out of this arrest;
I have realised that overthrowing the government will take more than just pure brute strength.
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2:22 PM

23 July, 1923
I am planning to overthrow the Weimar government in the Munich Beer Hall Putsch.
The people will support me. I just know it.
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Wednesday, July 22, 2009
11:30 PM

17 February, 1923
Today, I spoke to the Germans.
I have managed to convince them that I will lead them to a greater Germany,
better lives and more stable incomes.
They are losing their faith in the Weimar government,
as if their faith weren’t already weak enough.
After World War 1, we Germans were forced to pay reparations to the other countries.
In what way is that fair? No way. No way at all.
The Treaty of Versailles, November 1918… it was the day of humiliation for the Germans.
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Hitler, Adolf
Fuhrer of Germany!
I am Adolf Hitler.
I am the Fuhrer, the leader,
of Germany!
20 April 1889 is the birth of the Fuhrer.
listen in awe.
A purified society.
Myself as the German Leader!
The Nazi party.
The Jews.
The Communists.
leave in loyalty.