Monday, July 27, 2009
7:10 PM

13 February, 1934
I have been very busy.
I was first appointed Chancellor on 30 January 1933.
Those fools thought that they could control me, but they were wrong. They were always wrong.
I wanted the restoration of Germany; we have suffered humiliation for far too long.
I will prove to the world that we are strong. We have always been strong,
just that we had that pathetic excuse of a government ruling us.
I also wanted racial purity; those damn Jews have been on our land for far too long.
We should only have Aryans in Germany! Other races will never be tolerated.
I will need to get rid of them, one way or another...
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Hitler, Adolf
Fuhrer of Germany!
I am Adolf Hitler.
I am the Fuhrer, the leader,
of Germany!
20 April 1889 is the birth of the Fuhrer.
listen in awe.
A purified society.
Myself as the German Leader!
The Nazi party.
The Jews.
The Communists.
leave in loyalty.