Monday, July 27, 2009
7:34 PM

31 December, 1938
The Jews are gone at last! Good riddance, I say.
They were executed on the Night of Long Knives, on the 7 November 1938.
They deserved it too, killing an official at the German Embassy in France.
We Nazis gladly took this as the perfect opportunity to organise Kristallnacht.
It went perfectly; we destroyed more than 7500 shops and 400 synagogues.
Ransacked their filthy homes and killed them, taking the pathetic survivors back to concentration camps.
There, I further exterminated them.
I gased them, used them as lab rats; they deserve all that they got.
Damn Jews; Germany is finally free of them!
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Hitler, Adolf
Fuhrer of Germany!
I am Adolf Hitler.
I am the Fuhrer, the leader,
of Germany!
20 April 1889 is the birth of the Fuhrer.
listen in awe.
A purified society.
Myself as the German Leader!
The Nazi party.
The Jews.
The Communists.
leave in loyalty.